Changing diapers



Help your baby's gut feel better without eliminating everything from your diet so you can finally get relief from colic, relux and poop problems (and know what you CAN eat!)

What YOU eat as a breastfeeding mom can totally affect YOUR BABY.


Whether you’re a first-time-mom thrown into the deep end or you're doing this dance again feeling ripped off (because isn't it supposed to be easier the second time around?), you already know that the signs are clear that it's time to change up your diet for the sake of your baby's symptoms (and maybe your sanity too).

But with all the advice you've found so far, you're still at a total loss.

As if no one knows how to help YOUR baby.


Information overload is overwhelming. You're wanting a step-by-step and systematic method to walk you through what to do and stop the guessing game.

Sure, dairy-free worked for some moms in that Facebook Group you joined, but you need tailored solutions that are easy and flexible for your situation.


You’re tired of getting the same ol’ band aid fix thrown at you and want help from someone who specializes with this, but access to credible help is just NOT there.


And you know solving the root cause is what will actually help you and

your baby not just survive... but thrive.

So what's

the hold up?

Well... you’ve got questions that no one seems to be able to answer.

  • How do I know I need to get latch help instead of avoiding more foods?
  • What foods CAN I eat without causing symptoms?
  • How long do I have to do this for?
  • How do I make sure I am not depriving myself (and my milk!)?
  • Isn't there another option than the super expensive specialized formula I am being offered? And will it even work??

But the worst part? Falling down every Google rabbit-hole, joining the free Facebook groups and listening to Instagram moms is not giving you any solutions. If anything, they're making you feel worse.

You wait week after week only for things to be exactly where they were when you started. You're stuck playing the wait-it-out game, even tossing around thoughts of giving up from sheer exhaustion but are paralyzed out of fear it will make things worse.


You're met with well-meaning (but totally untrue) advice that dismiss your concerns entirely and you begin to wonder if you’re making something out of nothing.

(spoiler: YOU'RE NOT.)

Let's validate your concerns instead.

Crop anonymous black mother holding hand of baby lying on bed

Concern #1: The lack of improvement despite trying all. the. things.

After working with families from a unique background in both food issues AND feeding issues, here is what I know to be true…

Unless you are trying the RIGHT things, you can easily get stuck on that hamster wheel of trying one thing after the other and not get anywhere.

With a systematic process, I’ve helped babies get improvements in symptoms in as little as a few days.

The idea that you need to keep adding more challenges onto your plate in order to get results isn’t how it has to be. Sometimes less is more.

Concern #2: Your baby clearly has issues, but you were told it's "normal"

Okay, if there’s ONE thing that’s never wrong… it’s a mother’s intuition.

Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s normal for your baby to have blood or mucous globs in the their poop, or to be spitting up so much they can’t do tummy time, or basically be unsettled, unhappy and uncomfortable for what feels like 24/7.

YOU know your baby better than anyone and if something doesn’t sit right with you, then you deserve support. My number one philosophy when working with families is #supportisbest!

Newborn Baby Boy Sleeping
Weighting Baby Boy On Scale

Concern #3: Okay they’re growing fine, but what about gut health?

Your baby’s health is not measured by their weight.

Weight is just one piece of the puzzle, and if your baby’s growing fine… that tells you nothing about how their gut is developing.

It’s OTHER symptoms that measure gut health in your little one (and you already know what they are—the reflux, the poops, the gas, and those issues people are telling you to just “wait for them to outgrow”).

The bright side? You know what symptoms are screaming “red flag” and you just need to know how to change them.

Now that we've established you're NOT crazy...

Imagine how different things would look like for you and your baby.


You would know exactly what foods caused what symptoms in your baby so you won't worry "is it my milk?" again.


You would have solutions rooted in the most recent evidence so you can get your baby's gut health issues cleared up!


You would give your baby the milk drunk effect (without them waking 10 minutes later) so you can actually enjoy this stage.

Still thinking it's out of reach?

It's not.

...I know because I’ve helped hundreds of other moms to do it.

And I can’t wait to show YOU how to do it too.

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“Being diligent has meant NO MORE MUCUS in her diapers and WAY less fussiness! So grateful 👏🏼”

- SS Mama

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“Constipation immediately stopped... we have turned a corner now and I have such a spring in my step for it!”

- SS Mama

But wait, have we officially met?

Hey, I'm Robyn!

Stay-at-home mom of two, coffee connoisseur, continuing ed junkie, fly-by-the-seat of my pants homeschooler, and a shameless teen fantasy fan. (#teamEdward)

My passion as a Pediatric Registered Dietitian and Certified Breastfeeding Specialist (chasing that IBCLC!) is helping babies overcome their tummy troubles and giving parents the support they deserve so feeding their baby is easy.

Because when I became a mother in 2017, I fully understood how hard feeding babies can be.

I remember it so clearly...

I was in the thick of finishing my second bachelor's degree in Nutrition (I chose to be an almost-med-school-dropout after I finished my first pre-med degree because I realized I wanted to PREVENT problems, not treat them) - I knew all the reasons why I wanted to breastfeed, but little did I know how the system was NOT set up to help me do that.

So after I completed my practicum (while pregnant with my second!), I was hell bent on helping families NOT go through what I did. With my butt parked on the couch breastfeeding my second babe completing my lactation specific education, I dove heard first into starting my virtual private practice The Breastfeeding Dietitian (you likely found me on social, hey?!).

After years of learning stories from every client, every comment, and every DM, I learned how huge the gap in support for families dealing with allergies and sensitivities truly is.

Where I see moms out there avoiding food after food after food with no guidance, just chasing the trigger that’s disrupting their little one’s sleep every single night due to gas and discomfort.

Where I see moms take it as far as only eating 5 foods for WEEKS, basically starving themselves and scared to eat because they just want a baby who is not in pain, poops normally and has even just less spit up. In fact, Dr. Sears and his TED can just zip it pls.

And it's even rampant in facebook groups… moms trying to narrow it down on their own and riding hard on the struggle bus as every food was thrown at them - dairy, gluten, soy, corn, eggs, chocolate, coffee, beef, citrus, night shades, and even “gassy vegetables”. Honestly. I could go on forever.

So to stop this madness, I dove head first into the research, completed countless hours of continuing education, and built up first-hand clinical experience to help moms pinpoint the root cause and create a plan to make their baby feel better.

I’ve helped 100s of moms find relief from their baby reacting to their milk.

I’m not going to sugar-coat it. Some of those babies needed help beyond the food, but just because your baby may be tongue tied (or fill this in with any of the 1000s of potential feeding issues you have happening), doesn’t mean that food isn’t also a factor.

You can address BOTH feeding and food. That’s where my specialty lies. I have the training, education AND experience to make sure your diet changes are actually going to pay off. But I’ve found that having that credibility is sort of a catch 22.

Actually, it’s almost cruel to have the ability to give people the gold standard of care, but only CERTAIN people. That wasn’t good enough for me.

Because if you know me, you know that I’m dedicated to supporting moms to feed your baby the way you CHOSE to. And chances are, if you’re here, you chose breastfeeding.

I’m here to help you have confidence in yourself to keep doing that.

Enter: Sensitivity Solutions.

AKA the step-by-step plan to take you from the permanently exhausted pigeon who wonders what the heck is safe to eat to the early bird who gets to eat more food without worrying if it will trigger symptoms.

No more Dr. Google (or Dr. Sears!).

No more asking random moms in Facebook Groups what worked for them (only to have it do nothing for you).

No more poop problems, reflux, colic, total gassy discomfort, or whatever symptom is keeping you up at night.

Just a proven strategy, totally customized plan, and all the knowledge transferred from my brain to yours.

forever #teamyou, Robyn

featured on

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Sensitivity Solutions

A complete, step-by-step program that teaches you how to know the root cause of your baby’s symptoms and effectively eliminate multiple food triggers, so you can get your baby relief and keep breastfeeding.

The special sauce behind SS?

It's the A.I.M. Method where you walk through everything from choosing the right foods to avoid eating to bringing those foods back into your (and your baby’s!) life.

ASSESS: Factor out feeding issues from food issues, set up a starting point, and pick the best course of action right for YOU.

IDENTIFY: Turn your plan into a diet that will get you eat MORE, not less, and helps you pinpoint problem foods.

MANAGE: Come out on the other side ready for healing and outgrowing as you confidently dive head first into solids.

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“I've got variety back in my life and my little guy (8 months old now) has had blissfully normal poops for two whole months! He's so regular that we've started elimination communication and he has 99% of poops on the potty. I was really nervous to start solids with him as I didn't want to throw another variable in the mix but it's gone better than I could have hoped! I am so so grateful I had access to this course when I did. It made all the difference.”

- SS Mama

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“​With all of the information I learned in the course and all the answers you gave to my many many questions, I am definitely not on a TED anymore!”

- SS Mama


Here's exactly what you’ll get inside Sensitivity Solutions...


Build the Foundation

Before you can know what to eat so your baby is more comfortable, you need to get clear on a few key pieces of your sensitivities journey.

Once you pour the foundation, the house comes together in the blink of an eye.

Things like…

  • Understand what's going on in your baby’s gut.
  • Discover the W(hy)TF is happening.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of your options.
  • Learn how to cope with connection through the process.

Walk away with major mom confidence that you know the best way to feed your baby.

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Assess Your Situation

Now that you know what’s going on in your baby’s gut, you’ll know how to factor out any feeding issues from food issues to make sure your diet efforts ACTUALLY pay off.

This is the detail that makes all the difference in turning over a new leaf.

  • Sort out symptoms to learn what your baby needs help with.
  • Set up a starting point with the GASx2 symptom assessment.
  • Explore the 3 Histories to point you in the right direction.
  • Putting the puzzle together and see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Walk away with a tailored strategy to make YOUR baby feel better.

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Identify Triggers

Allllllright, this is where the magic happens.

Where you turn your assessment into action.

That means designing your diet changes with a concrete end-point that produces results.

  • Create your 5-day Validation Protocol Plan and get off the over-restricting diet train.
  • Choose the common culprits for your baby’s symptoms.
  • Effectively eliminate obvious and out of sight sources to avoid setbacks.
  • Design your Swap Don’t Drop diet and prevent symptom regression.

Walk away with confirmation and certainty of the problem foods.

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Make It Manageable

I’m a BIG - actually, huge - believer in sustainability. Your diet won’t work if it’s not sustainable.

Because the best way to solidify the success of your diet changes is to make sure those changes are going to work for your life.

You’ll learn how to eat in the long-run so you can continue breastfeeding (and not worry about it!).

  • Give your baby’s gut R+R to help them heal.
  • Push boundaries safely to avoid feeling deprived both nutritionally and mentally.
  • Create quality breastmilk by closing the loopholes from an elimination diet.
  • Prepare for starting solids and testing time.

Walk away with a happy, healthy baby AND happy, healthy mom.

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And you’ll have answers every step of the way with...

Exclusive Q+A Replays

Sometimes things aren't so clear cut in the gray zone, and it's helpful to have answers to your questions along the way.

You'll have access to a goldmine of past live calls with participants who were exactly in your shoes (and sure as hell ain't no more!) to make sure no stone is left unturned.

As a dietitian, you're learning from the recommended expert

Infant Feeding Joint Working Group on Infantile Colic

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"This trial should be done with assistance from a registered dietitian"

"Some studies have demonstrated a reduction in symptoms in a small minority of infants when breastfeeding mothers consumed a hypoallergenic diet. However, many of these studies were unblinded, with small sample sizes and inadequate outcome measures. For breastfed infants with severe colic, a one- to two-week, cow milk-free maternal diet trial may help. This trial should be done with assistance from a registered dietitian, to ensure that all sources of cow milk protein are eliminated from the mother's diet and adequately substituted.

Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine on Protocol #24 Allergic Proctocolitis

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"This approach requires ongoing consultation with an experienced dietician"

"The maternal risks of an extensively restrictive elimination diet must be weighed against the potential infant benefits. In a secondary approach, the additional elimination of wheat and fish and/or other significant parts of a mother’s diet should require the advice of an experienced dietician to ensure that an adequate nutritional intake is maintained. For babies with more significant symptoms, one can place the mother on a very low-allergen diet of foods. Again, this approach requires ongoing consultation with an experienced dietician."

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence on Non-IgE Allergies

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"Seek advice from a dietitian with appropriate competencies"

"For babies and young children with suspected allergy to cows' milk protein, offer:

  • food avoidance advice to breastfeeding mothers
  • information on the most appropriate hypoallergenic formula or milk substitute to mothers of formula-fed babies.

Seek advice from a dietitian with appropriate competencies, about nutritional adequacies, timings of elimination and reintroduction, and follow-up."


Looking for the easy button?

Get instant access to course bonuses!

Workshop Bundle

Get the Good Latch

Getting Enough to Grow

Diaper Decode

To Breastfeeding... and Beyond!

When you join Sensitivity Solutions, you’ll get all of my workshops fo' FREE (these are not publicly available!).

Whether you have every feeding issue under the sun or have that piece of the journey cased, you'll have the information at the ready.

You'll learn to set up the perfect position, maintain your milk supply and more so you can keep breastfeeding through sensitivities.

Get More Sleep

Guest Expert Session with Cayla Solomon, Baby Led Sleep and Wellbeing Specialist

Cayla Solomon is a certified sleep and well-being specialist and certified parent educator who helps parents find realistic solutions to sleep challenges that fit your family’s unique needs (without ever sleep training!).

In this guest expert session, she is sharing the signs that sleep struggles are from sensitivities, safe sleep guidelines no matter your set up, and top strategies to help you and your baby get better sleep.

You will also receive an exclusive 25% discount on Cayla's sleep courses!

Identify Case Studies

See Sensitivities Journeys

Want to see a real-life journey through identifying trigger foods? We can learn so much from experience. In these care study debriefs, you’ll get ALL the behind-the-scenes steps on what went into identifying the foods causing fuss.

From choosing the foods that were avoided, watching the symptoms that were flared, and uncovering the sneaky triggers that lingered.

The best part? These are shared by real-life moms who worked with me directly, so you can feel that 1-1 support.

Common Culprit Guidebook

Pick Problem Foods

Choosing what foods to avoid eating have you stumped? Not anymore.

In this bonus guidebook, I’ve summed up all the evidence (and my clinical experience) in a symptom-match process.

Symptoms matter when choosing foods. Let me help you connect the dots.

Obvious and Out of Sight Sources

Quick List

Get all the food information you need in one place to find out if you’re eating something you shouldn’t be.

(Because nothing is more frustrating than going out of your way to avoid all the things, only to find out you’ve been eating it all along.)

You can do a once-over on your diet to make sure you won’t run into any symptom regressions.

5 Days of Plug and Play

Meal Plan Template

Elimination diets aren’t easy and you’re often left wondering what the heck can I eat?

This “plug+play meal plan” (I’m not much of a meal plan person, so let me meet you in the middle) will give you meal and snacks that are free of the top 4 common trigger foods with swap guidelines if you have to go even further than that.

You’ll have your validation protocol’s worth of meal ideas to easily plug into your current eating pattern.


Want a peek inside?

Baby being Breastfed

Payment Options


3 Payments of $57

  • Lifetime access to the Sensitivity Solutions curriculum
  • Exclusive Q&A Replays
  • Workshop Bundle
  • Sleep Expert Session
  • Identify Case Studies
  • Common Culprit Guidebook
  • Obvious vs Out of Sight Quick List
  • 5-day Plug and Play Meal Plan


1 Payment of $157

  • Lifetime access to the Sensitivity Solutions curriculum
  • Exclusive Q&A Replays
  • Workshop Bundle
  • Sleep Expert Session
  • Identify Case Studies
  • Common Culprit Guidebook
  • Obvious vs Out of Sight Quick List
  • 5-day Plug and Play Meal Plan


100% Risk Free


When you join Sensitivity Solutions, you’re welcomed into a space that has everything you need to get your baby relief. It’s working right this minute for the moms+babes behind the scenes right now.

But, even though I know this course is so valuable, I know that every baby is unique and you deserve the security to join risk-free to see if it will work for YOUR baby.

So if you go through the first 2 modules and you are not happy with the direction you are in, I wouldn’t feel right keeping your money. Simply request a refund within 7 days of purchase, and you’ll be refunded in full.

There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I won’t question you. I won’t even ask for all your newly gained knowledge bombs back. (knowledge is power, my friend)

*But don’t be that person who joins, downloads all the material, checks out every lesson, and then asks for their money back. I can see that on the course platform, and it’s just bad karma.


Here's how it works:

As soon as you join, you’ll set up your account username and password to gain access Sensitivity Solutions. Then, everything is yours & you can get started that very second!

From there, get the process going and share your wins on social! You'll get an exclusive invite to be part of the affiliate crew once you've made it out of the fire to help spread the Solutions to other mamas in need!



Money's tight - is sensitivity Solutions affordable?

I get it… because having a baby is expensive enough.

That’s why I have priced this program MUCH lower than working one on one with me (typically at least a $600+ investment) AND why I have a payment plan option so you don’t have to break the bank to get your baby the relief you’re looking for. You can choose to split the cost into 3 low monthly payments if that is easier for your situation.

What if I don't want to avoid more foods than I already am?

Weighing the pros and cons of an elimination diet is part of the Foundations Module of Sensitivity Solutions. My goal is to provide you with ALL the information on both sides of the coin so you can make the best choice for your situation.

The AIM Method is rooted in providing you with the tools and you get to pick which ones will be the right fit for you. You don’t have to do anything that doesn’t work for your life. And at the end of the day... my goal is for your to eat MORE food too, not less.

I'm so tired - will SS help my baby sleep better?

Sleep is multifactorial. Food sensitivities can play a role in night waking and if your baby is waking BECAUSE of sensitivities, then Sensitivity Solutions can help - to what degree, depends on all the factors contributing to your little one's sleep.

As always, addressing the root cause is what will solve the problem. I discuss sleep and other coping strategies in the Foundations Module to help set you up for success throughout the process. Plus you have an exclusive 25% discount code to sleep courses.

will I get results in just 5 days?!

Sensitivity Solutions will take each mom a different length of time to get results, because it all depends on how many foods your baby may (or may not!) be sensitive to through your milk. For the moms where it is more simple, you may give your baby relief in just 5 days. For other moms where there is a lot more digging involved, it may be 2-4 weeks depending on your progress.

I feel like I don't have time to shower, let alone work through a DIY program?

Sensitivity Solutions is a self-guided program that you have access to forever. So you can work through the content however you like. You can work however many video lessons you want, whenever and wherever you want. You will be able to watch and/or listen 24/7 from whatever device you prefer to use, so long as it can access an online browser.

This is self-guided, which means you are in charge of deciding when you have time to take the next steps you're ready go.

Will it work for me if I don't know what symptoms are from food issues or feeding issues?

Yes. Because the VERY first step in the AIM Method is “assess”. You will be given the tools to be able to decide for yourself if your problem is food related or feeding related.

To top it off, my latching workshop is included as a bonus to ensure you factor out those feeding issues before jumping to food issues. If after learning that you feel food is not the problem, that’s what my Risk-Free Guarantee is for! I would not feel right keeping your money for working through food issues when food is not the issue.

There's so much conflicting information out there - how is Sensitivity Solutions different?

Sensitivity Solutions is based on my evaluation of the most up-to-date evidence (that’s also why you get lifetime access so you can have access to the most recent updates) combined with my clinical experience as a Registered Dietitian registered with the Saskatchewan Dietitians Association in Canada and a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist lactation consultant along with my educational degrees in physiology and nutrition. I got you.

I've weeded out the misinformation and myths and have packaged up the key information you need into clear and concise lessons so you feel confident in the steps you are taking to help your baby.

And in case you're wondering how Sensitivity Solutions stacks up to other options out there...

The "Others":

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Show ONE way of avoiding foods, and how it’s this way or the highway.

Strict list of foods that you can eat and cannot eat.

Prolong restricting diets for weeks on end, at the cost of your nutrition and wellbeing.

One-time print-based on old, out-dated and misinformed research.

Little or no consideration of all other factors outside of food for you to explore.

Sensitivity Solutions:

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Teaches you the METHOD of avoiding foods so you can do the one that works best for YOUR life.

Loaded with practical examples and plug and play tools.

Evidence-informed foods that are common culprits based on YOUR baby’s symptoms.

Has you ASSESS your situation, so you don’t put in effort without getting results.

Speed through elimination phase and quickly identify triggers so you won’t prolong an unnecessary, over-restrictive diet.

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Gives you lifetime access so you will always have the most up-to-date information to return to.

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Is 100% Built with Your Success in Mind so you can join knowing that I’m (…yes, me—Robyn!) always thinking about how to best support you and help you get your baby’s gut relief and keep breastfeeding.

mother breastfeeding her baby

Dive into the most up to date evidence ASAP!

Ready to stop waiting it out?

If you’re wondering “will it work?”

I made you a lil’ checklist :)

Sensitivity Solutions is just the thing you've been scouring the internet for if:

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You give your baby your milk, no matter the amount, no matter the way... and want to keep doing that.

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You’re looking for a method to take the guesswork out of navigating triggers on your own.

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You’re cool with changing your diet to help your baby be comfortable.

You are willing to show up, do the work, and push yourself a bit outside of your comfort zone.

Motherhood Exhaustion. Tired mom breastfeeding baby and working on laptop at home

This isn't the course for you, if...

You’re looking for quick fix - this takes effort, and it ain’t gonna happen overnight (but it is SO effective if you’re willing to do the work).

You are only looking for more sleep and aren't focused on supporting (and ultimately developing) your baby’s gut health.

You’re not willing to make the effort to change your diet to get allergen-free breastmilk.

Use the gold-standard recommended strategy. prove all the naysayers wrong.

Drop Shadow
Mother Breastfeeding Baby in Comfortable Position

So let’s do it.


3 Payments of $57

  • Lifetime access to the Sensitivity Solutions curriculum
  • Exclusive Q&A Replays
  • Workshop Bundle
  • Sleep Expert Session
  • Identify Case Studies
  • Common Culprit Guidebook
  • Obvious vs Out of Sight Quick List
  • 5-day Plug and Play Meal Plan


1 Payment of $157

  • Lifetime access to the Sensitivity Solutions curriculum
  • Exclusive Q&A Replays
  • Workshop Bundle
  • Sleep Expert Session
  • Identify Case Studies
  • Common Culprit Guidebook
  • Obvious vs Out of Sight Quick List
  • 5-day Plug and Play Meal Plan


Only a click away!

All material, opinions, advice and information found on is for informational and educational purposes only and is not to be taken as medical advice from your medical or health care provider, doctor, nutritionist, dietitian or feeding specialist. Use all information on, blogs, publications, recipes, emails from The Breastfeeding Dietitian, and within The Breastfeeding Dietitian courses, or other products, at your own risk and know that we are not liable for any loss, injury or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the use, application or interpretation of any material provided from, publications, recipes, courses, products, and emails. Robyn Price, registered dietitian under the Saskatchewan Dietitians Association, is not your personal dietitian until a client service contract is signed and agreed to by both parties. Always consult your doctor or healthcare provider on any matters regarding you or your child’s health and well-being or on any opinions expressed on this website and in courses. – All Rights Reserved – Terms & Conditions